#FundFriday: Art Show

Start 2019 off with artistic flair!

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Happy New Year! We hope you all had fun celebrating the end of 2018 and are looking forward to everything 2019 has in store for you. Just think: in a few short months, you’ll be at one of America’s top university campuses gaining hands-on experience that will give you a leg up on your leadership and college readiness! In the meantime, usher in the new year by hosting your very own art show, a creative way to earn big bucks for your Summit!


Take a moment to think about what you want your art show to look like. Will you be showing your own artwork? How large is the space you’ll be using for your show? Will you be asking local artists to participate? If you need more artists to participate, reach out to local schools or universities to find out if their art students or teachers would like to showcase work. Also, check nearby cities for artist collectives. Often, artists will share a studio space to produce their artwork. These studio spaces, or artist collectives, are another great place to contact several artists at once. Typically, art shows charge artists a registration fee to display their art, which is one way you’ll be able to raise funds for your Summit tuition. An average registration fee runs between $10 - $30; however, you’ll want to be sure to balance artist participation with your fundraising efforts and price your fee accordingly. Most art shows also award a cash prize for the work of art deemed best in show by a jury. Deciding to give away a prize may motivate more artists to enter your show, but it will decrease your total profits. Since this is your art show, you’ll need to make these important decisions about its set-up.


As you host your event, provide additional buying options to increase both the enjoyment of those who attend and your fundraiser earnings. Selling simple and tasty refreshments, desserts, or appetizers is a great way to keep your guests happy. Additionally, you can solicit donation items from local art stores to create and offer themed gift baskets as silent auction items. Or, sell raffle tickets at the door for a chance to win a work of art from a collection on display. Have a station set up for kids to create their own art to take home. The options are endless!

As you advertise your art show in advance and as you make announcements during the event, make sure that your guests know how their donations will help you! Don’t forget to have sponsor flyers printed and ready to hand out to everyone who attends. Leave labeled donation jars around the event for folks to make donations toward your summit even if they opt not to purchase art.

We definitely want to see photos if you host an art show of your own. Let us know how it goes!

Are you a superstar fundraiser? Let us know your ideas and you could be featured on our blog! Just email info@ambassadorleaders.com.

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By Emily Hanson

Emily loves helping families find the perfect fundraising idea and hearing how motivated they are to crush their fundraising goals.