#FundFriday: Get Outdoors!

Turning seasonal chores into opportunities.

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It’s November and, in our opinion, the most beautiful month of the year! Everywhere we look, leaves are falling – soon to be replaced by snow. Some great fundraising opportunities are waiting for you this fall and winter, so grab your coat and boots and get outside!

For colder weather:

For many parts of the country, snow is on its way (if it hasn’t arrived already), and the chore that many people dread each winter is shoveling their sidewalks. Lucky for you, this is something you can easily help with before school in the mornings and on the weekends.

Create a flyer (or click the button below to print the sample we made!) to give to your neighbors offering your snow-shoveling services for a set rate and see if they’d like to hire you. When they do, be thorough! If they like your work they’ll be quick to hire you again.

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For warmer weather:

You may not have snow where you live, but you probably have lots of leaves falling right now. Raking leaves may not be the most fun thing to do, but a few hours of work on the weekends or after school can go a long way in funding your tuition. Grab a rake and ask your neighbors, friends, and relatives if you can collect the fallen leaves in their yard for them. You can either have a set price or an hourly rate.

Whether you decide to rake leaves, shovel snow, or help your neighbors with other chores, make sure to let them know exactly why their donations are so important to you. They will be much more likely to give you a shot once they find out about the incredible leadership summit that you are working toward!

Are you a superstar fundraiser? Let us know your ideas and you could be featured on our blog! Just email info@ambassadorleaders.com


By Corie Bales

Corie is the Academic Affairs Manager of Ambassador Leaders. As a lifelong educator and avid traveler, she believes in empowering students and teachers to learn and lead through experiential education.