#FundFriday: Steps for Change

Turn fitness into fundraising!


This week’s fundraising idea is a two-fer: raise Summit funds and hit your fitness goals. Using a smartphone, Fitbit or other tracking device, you can track your daily steps for a month and, with the help of a handful of sponsors, raise money for your tuition.


Anyone can be a sponsor! Consider asking teachers, friends, relatives, neighbors, or even the managers of your local gym or grocery store.

Write a letter to hand out to potential sponsors explaining your reason for fundraising or use our Sponsorship Flyer. Don’t forget to post the same information to your social media! Be sure to include a link to our website (https://ambassadorleaders.com) for those who would like to learn more about our summits.

In your outreach, explain that you’re doing a Steps for Change challenge and that your goal is to walk 10,000 steps per day for 30 days. Your sponsors can choose to sponsor you for each day you complete your steps or make a one-time donation for the entire challenge. Let sponsors choose their donation amount, but we recommend that you request somewhere in the range of $1 - 5 dollars for daily challenge sponsors (that’s $30 - $150 total if you hit your daily goal all month long) and start at $30 for a one-time donation.


Let your potential sponsors know which app you will use to track your steps and take photos or screenshots of your steps total at the end of each day. That way you can show your sponsors how many days you completed your challenge.


Challenge your most enthusiastic sponsors to double down on their donations. Offer them the option to out-step you for the month. If they out-step you, their original donation stands. If you out-step them, they have to double down on their original donation! If someone takes you up on this bet, be sure to ask them to screenshot their daily results as well.


Communicate with your sponsors about when you will be coming back to retrieve their donations. This is a good time to have those daily screenshots handy to show your sponsors. We’ve put together a pledge sheet to help you track your sponsors and their sponsorship amounts. Feel free to print and use this for your efforts.

We hope our latest idea gets your fundraising journey off on the right foot. Now get to stepping!

Are you a superstar fundraiser? Let us know your ideas and you could be featured on our blog! Just email info@ambassadorleaders.com.

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By Meghan Kendle

Meghan, an educator from Oregon, has been an active member of Ambassador Leaders for years and has traveled the world with students. The best part of her year is participating in the Summits, and she can’t wait to see you there!