Introducing Lead4Change

Lead2Feed becomes Lead4Change.


Ambassador Leaders has proudly partnered with Lead2Feed, implementing their leadership curriculum to inspire students to create change in local and global communities. This June, after seven successful years, Lead2Feed announced a name change to Lead4Change.

Founded in 2012, Lead2Feed originally focused on solutions for hunger and food scarcity worldwide. As the organization evolved to include more than 7,500 educators and 1.5 million student participants, so too did the scope of the projects to which their community service framework applied. In recognition of the many community action plans students have created and submitted on issues ranging from mental health to housing to elder care, Lead2Feed is now Lead4Change.

Ambassador leaders who attend the Leadership in Action Summits at Harvard, UCLA, and Yale, complete Lead4Change lessons and develop community action plans addressing the needs of their communities. Our student leaders then take that knowledge home and work to implement an action plan of their own with the guidance of a teacher adviser and the help of their peers.

Lead4Change’s Challenge entry dashboard is simpler than ever. Students who work with a teacher adviser to submit their community action plans are entered for a chance to win up to $10,000 for their schools or partner non-profits. We encourage all of our alumni to seek out a teacher adviser and submit their successful community action plans: Lead4Change website.

The name may have changed, but Lead4Change continues to do the same great work that’s made it the fastest-growing leadership program for students in grades 6-12. Here’s to the next seven years!

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By Corie Bales

Corie is the Academic Affairs Manager of Ambassador Leaders. As a lifelong educator and avid traveler, she believes in empowering students and teachers to learn and lead through experiential education.