Why Travel?

Student travel brings big benefits beyond school 

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Need a little convincing why attending a Leadership Summit with us is a great idea? Besides helping you become a more effective leader, travel alone has long-term benefits for students. 

Research shows that if you travel when you're a student, you gain some big advantages in terms of leadership, academic performance and college admissions. Now, studies also show that the benefits don't stop there – you'll do better in your career and earn more money, too. 

The Huffington Post reports on a study confirming that you can gain lifelong value from an educational student travel experience:
Teens Who Took Educational Trips Get Better Grades, Have Higher Incomes Than Those Who Didn't

The study says that "adults who took educational trips between the ages of 12 and 18 had both better grades and higher incomes" than those who didn’t travel. Also, "taking educational trips made [students] more interested in learning and influenced their career choice. And that's enough to make educational trips seem pretty darn powerful."

The study goes on to identify many more valuable benefits from student travel. Check out the report here →

By Lindsey Suda

Lindsey helps run the social media side of Ambassador Leaders. Stop by our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Youtube and say hi. Post your summit or throwback pics with #ambassadorleaders - we love to see them!