An App Matches Students with Scholarships

Put technology to use to earn college scholarships

Ambassador Leaders_scholarships for students

For most families with children, including mine, one of the biggest questions weighing on our minds is how we will pay for our children's college. College education is essential, yet is one of the hardest financial hurdles that students, and their parents, face today.

Good news is, time and technology is on our side. There are thousands of scholarships out there, offered by the schools, employers, individuals, private companies, nonprofits and community organizations. With internet resources at your fingertips, if you start researching early, keep at it, and meet the deadlines, chances are good that you'll land one or several scholarships that will ease the burden.

I recently came across a new app that can make the job even easier - Scholly matches users with scholarships. How does it work?

Li Zhou of reports that "more than $100 million in scholarships go unclaimed every year."

Enter Scholly. ''Scholly uses a patented matching system... to categorize and match users with as many scholarships as possible and inform them of options they might not have known they had before." In the end, "for each user Scholly generates a list of 100 to 200 or more scholarships that can amount to as much as $4 million."

Worth checking it out? Let us know how it worked for you and we'll do the same.

Read more here

Natasha Porter_Ambassador Leaders

By Natasha porter

Natasha is the Founder and CEO of Ambassador Leaders. As an educator and business leader, her life’s passions are international education and helping young people and teams reach their best potential.