#FundFriday: New Year, New Calendar

Get ready for the New Year with this easy and creative fundraising idea.

Ambassador Leaders Blog_calendar

The year 2017 is just around the corner, and people will be buying new calendars for their homes and offices. Give them a chance to do some good by buying your custom calendar. Let them know that all of the profits will be put directly toward your Leadership Summit.


It’s easy to create a calendar online – there are a number of resources you can look into such as Printing Center USA, CalendarFundraising.com, Yearbox, and more. Most have an online creative space where you can upload photos and format the text just the way you want it. We recommend loading photos of local places, the college campus and city you will be traveling to, or your own artwork. Make it personal!

Add Value: Increase your profits by selling ad space on each page. An easy way to do this is by uploading scanned images of business cards from local businesses, relatives, and friends around the sides of the calendar pages. 


When your calendar is ready, it’s time to sell! Post on social media with sample photos so potential buyers know what they’re purchasing, and reach out to relatives, neighbors, and friends who may be interested in buying one, or more!

Tip: Advertise before the calendars arrive and take pre-orders. You may want to offer a small discount to encourage people to sign up. You will have more time to sell and people will know it's coming so they don't buy another calendar before they get one from you.


Always follow-up with a personal thank you note or email to your donors for helping you reach your Summit. A simple note of appreciation means so much!

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By Emily Hanson

Emily is the Program Coordinator at Ambassador Leaders. When you call or email us, you'll likely speak with Emily. She loves helping families find the perfect program for their student and hearing how confident and motivated they return home.