#FundFriday: Yard Sale for Education

Start the year fresh with a yard sale and make great headway toward your goal.

How’s the weather in your corner of the world? Hopefully it’s warmer than here in our headquarters in Spokane, WA! We’re buried in snow. For those of you who are dealing with the same winter weather, recently we shared some great tips how you can turn winter chores into opportunities. But for those of you in warmer states, this month is a great time to host a yard sale to help raise funds for your Summit. Here are a few easy tips!



First, enlist your parents to go through your home together and see if there is anything you no longer need that other people would love to have, especially for a bargain. Then, don't forget your extended family and friends. Many people are eager to clean out their homes after the holidays, so it’s a great time to have items donated from around your community for your yard sale. Give out flyers, share on social media, and ask friends and neighbors if they would like to donate things for your sale. The more you have to sell, the more you can earn!

BETTER TOGETHER: Do you have friends who are also going to the Summit or raising funds for another cause? Team up and have the sale together! You can create more excitement in your neighborhood and get more people to help, besides having a blast doing it together.



Once you have your items to sell, you’ll want to get organized. Tag items with prices so buyers can easily decide, and organize your items in different areas according to categories: clothing, accessories, books, furniture, home decor, toys, etc. Prepare signs to direct traffic to your sale location and get some cash to have on hand in small bills and coins to be able to give change.

ADD VALUE: Want to get creative? Set up a refreshments table and sell donuts, coffee, and hot chocolate. It’ll be a tasty treat for your customers and a nice way to earn more for your trip!



The best time to host a yard sale is usually on Saturday mornings. Wake up bright and early to finish setting up for the morning. Get your parents’ help to post signs around your neighborhood advertising the sale and list your address. Neon signs with arrows directing drivers to your house from major roads nearby work great.

When customers arrive, talk to them about why you are hosting the yard sale and what you plan to do this summer as an Ambassador Leader. You could even set out a donation jar for people who simply want to donate to your program.

At the end of the sale, be sure to help clean up, then count your earnings. A weekend of hard work can sure add up!

SHARE THE LOVE: If you have items left that didn’t sell, donate them to a local thrift store or non-profit organization and spread the love.


Are you a superstar fundraiser? Let me know your ideas and you could be featured on our blog! Email me at info@ambassadorleaders.com – I’m excited to hear what you’re up to!

By Emily Hanson

Emily is the Program Coordinator at Ambassador Leaders. When you call or email us, you'll likely speak with Emily. She loves helping families find the perfect program for their student and hearing how confident and motivated they return home.